30 µ” PCB Gold Finger
What is Gold Finger?
Gold fingers are the gold-plated connectors at the edge of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Shaped like a finger, they serve as connectors that connect the PCB to a motherboard, making sure a signal or command is reliably transmitted. Aside from the connectivity, the alloy also protects the edge of a circuit board from deterioration. Gold fingers are made of hard gold, or the Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG). Its hardness at a specified thickness ranging from 3µ” to 50µ” ensures long-term component reliability.

Why is gold finger necessary?
Industrial applications may encounter various challenges like long-term operation, air pollution, humidity and temperature changes, dust, shock, chemical corrosion, and other external interruptions. These will all influence the reliability of electronics. Gold fingers therefore perform strong and durable protection for the components, ensuring the devices operate steadily and reliably under unfavorable conditions.
How does Transcend implement 30µ” Gold Finger?
Transcend provides industrial-grade SSDs and DRAM modules that are built with 30µ” gold fingers, offering PCBs of these devices greater conductivity, and protection against oxidation, abrasion and chemical reactions. They are suitable for applications in the military, surveillance systems, factory automation, and transportation, where durability is indispensable.